... But not really. I'm more likely to be a contestant on The Price is Right than American Gladiators. I must say, however, that I'm happy the show is back. I've told th stroy a hundred times to my friends, but the show reminds me of when I was younger. Jim and I used to watch it on those boring days during the summer when there was nothing else on TV. That and Saved by the Bell. There weren't a lot of other kids in our neighborhood, so we had to come up with imaginitive things to do to keep busy. These "imaginative" activities usually involved Jim coming up with some way to kick my butt, and playing pretend Galdiators was always a viable option.
"We're going to play that game... the one where you have to get the ball into the can in the middle of the room and I try to stop you. GO."
This generally resulted in my being body slammed into the ground or catapulted across the room.
Sometimes I'm amazed that Jim and I are as close as we are.