Howdy. Glad you're here. Get your fill of my irreverent ramblings. I'll warn you in advance: I complain a lot. But if you can get past that, there's some good stuff here. Enjoy.

Friday, September 4, 2009

My apartment is a HUGE mess, I'm writing instead.

I've often found that my best personal motivation to participate in borderline pointless activity is the avoidance of doing something that I actually really need to do. In college if I had a paper due at 8 a.m, I would clean my room or do laundry until about 1 a.m. and then frantically start writing. Interestingly, I find myself two years out of college, down to one clean pair of underwear and sitting on my couch writing my post-collegiate version of the personal essay. Irony. Anyway, I've been formulating a lot of pointless ramblings in my head lately that I feel like sharing with the amorphous Internet readership. Well, with the aforementioned faceless population and my friends who follow me on Twitter who might conceivably follow the link I post, come here to read this and think, "Wow, Kelly is hilarious. I'm so glad I'm friends with her."

Thanks in advance for that one, guys.