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Thursday, September 10, 2009

Little kids are cool.

You know what I think is the coolest thing about being kid under the age of 10? You can get away with behavior for which anyone over the age of 10 might be reprimanded and/or considered borderline insane. I have a little sister who is seven. Almost eight. Her name is Hannah and she's the bomb. Yes, the bomb. I know, the term is outdated but she is just that cool. And you might have gotten caught up on the part about how I have a little sister that's seven. I could go into the whole story about how, yes, she's seven and I'm 24 and yes, my brother is 26 and my other sister is 18 blah, blah, blah. It's a big family and we're just a wee bit spread out age wise. If you're super duper concerned, I'll let you take it up with my mom and dad. Let's stick with the point: Hannah is hilarious. Here's a smattering of things she does that I find amusing. I imagine these types of behaviors still hold true for the majority of child kind.

1) Inappropriate commentary: She can say things that are socially inappropriate because she probably heard it on TV and doesn't know any better. She probably actually knows exactly what she's saying, but it's funny to hear these silly things come out of such a small person. So we let it fly.

2) Rolling in the dirt: No. Seriously. I watched her do this last weekend. She was bored. So she just flopped down in the dirt.

3) Running through sprinklers/fountains: That looks SO effing fun. I want to push all those little kids out of the way and run through the water. I bet it's refreshing.

4) Leaving long winded phone messages that make almost no sense: Wait, I still do that.

5) Refusing to wear an article of clothing or color simply because you just don't want to: Hannah went through a 5 year phase where she would not wear anything girly. No pink. No dresses. No ribbons. For Halloween, she would only go as superheroes like Spiderman and Superman. Nobody asked questions.

I wish I could apply these principles to my life now. Refusal to do things because, you know what, I just don't wanna. Pay rent this month? No thanks. Have a roll in the dirt followed by a run through the sprinklers? Yes, please.


Anonymous said...

HAHAH you crack me up!!! its so true!!