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Friday, November 13, 2009

Frog Fever

I'm coming out of a near two-month blog hiatus (slump?) to write about a topic that has been all encompassing in my world lately: TCU Football Fever. Ok, maybe by lately I mean more like this week.

I'll be the first to admit that when I was in college I spent more time in the parking lot drinking beer during football games than I actually spent in the stadium watching the games. And I'm OK with that.

SIDE NOTE: I'm at a coffee shop/bar (genius business model) in the Vail area watching my boyfriend, Kevin, play a solo acoustic show right now. He's playing a really awesome show. You should be here right now, seriously. In addition to listening him rip it up on stage, I'm multitasking by blogging while also observing the behavior of a cougar who just showed up. I think she's on a date with this guy she came in with, but she's paying no attention to him. She's too busy making friends with all the young meat in the place. It's classic. I think she only brought the older guy with her so he would sponsor her tab for the night while she hunts.

Am I bad girlfriend for blogging and people watching during Kevin's set instead of paying attention? Probably. Moving on...

Back to the point: TCU is kicking ass and taking names this year. And apparently they have a huge game tomorrow. A big enough game that even I, a fair weather football watcher at best, almost bought a plane ticket today to go to Fort Worth for the game tomorrow. Luckily my better judgement slapped me upside the head and made me re-evaluate my priorities.

Does anyone outside of my friends from Texas, and obviously my fellow TCU attendees, know what our mascot is? The Horned Frog. Please see it here. Most people might know it as the horned toad or a horned lizard. Whatever. Do you know what matter? It's defense mechanism. What might that be you ask?

It shoots BLOOD OUT OF ITS EYES. Up TO FIVE FEET AWAY. Wikipedia confirms it here. Don't argue; Wikipedia is always right. How intimidating is that? Don't mess with anything that shoots blood out of its eyes. That's just good sense.

This is why TCU will win tomorrow. My logic is foolproof.

Rah, Rah TCU!

(This cougar is ridiculous. I'll be entertained all night.)